Global Steel Outlook: Q2 2018 Tariff Fallout

Here we are—already through the first quarter of 2018, the tariffs on Chinese steel & aluminum signed and the retaliatory actions are starting to come to light. Even though the tariffs were  more broadly applied to various points of origin initially—certain key allies and trade partners have been made exempt (albeit in some cases temporarily)…
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Imported Metals Tariff Update: March 6, 2018

Fabricators & Manufacturers Association, International  (FMA) responds to President Trump’s intention of imposing 25% tariff on imported steel and 10% tariff on imported aluminum, and the expected impact on American manufacturers and consumers: FMA Announces Concerns Over Announced Steel & Aluminum Tariffs
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Global Steel Outlook

Throughout the first year of the new administration, metal-stampers have experienced steady demand and productivity, markets continued to be relatively strong and consumer and producer optimism continued—albeit cautiously. After much speculation and discussion—the Dept. of Commerce has concluded it’s study into imported steel and aluminum and the President has acted. After a year of debate—the…
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