The “PPAP” Excuse

It’s natural to be “risk averse” in manufacturing – especially in highly competitive industries and in our global economy. “PPAP” (Production Part Approval Process) and  “approved chemical” lists exist in part  to minimize potential risks. Yet on  many occasions these can pose just as many risks as they are meant to prevent. Consider that several,…
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IRMCO EXTREME’s unique chemistry provides optimal protection for tubes & tooling. But leaves virtually no residue – optimizing weld quality.

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Fearing change can be a very natural response – especially in metal-stamping. The stories of tool-coating and lubricant trials run amok; get passed down like ghost stories from engineer to engineer and tool maker to tool maker. One bad experience can “poison the well” for every other product even remotely similar…this is very unfortunate. Anytime…
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Make Sense Out of Your Stamping Lubricant!

You wouldn’t replace the shingles on your roof with a plastic tarp would you? Sure—the tarp may provide a little protection from the elements—but is that what you’d really like to be between you and  a hail storm—or extreme temperatures? While that tarp is a physical barrier—just like those shingles—to provide protection to your home,…
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